Born in 1977, today we represent an undisputed reference of the world market in drilling equipment, soil investigation and civil engineering. Through our knowledge, we are able to provide our customers with real solutions for each kind of needs or applications. We adopt innovation technologies choices with skills, always focusing on quality of the materials and the precision of the machining. The politics in which we have always believed, brought us to concentrate our efforts in the maintenance of an important warehouse, the same that allows us to respond today in real time to every costumer need. All of this, with a scrupulous company organization, rapid service and an extreme competi- tive price, allow us to offer an effcient service that means, for our customers, an important reduction of the cost per drilled meter. With these assumptions, over the years many customers have placed their trust in us, allowing us to become an important partner with whom to speak the simple and pratical language of the experience. These are not simple words, but the daily commitment that we feel we can sign with you.
Your courage to test us will be well placed, because you will find in us an efficient partner, who knows how to speak the simple and concrete language of experience.